Server Poker Online Terbaik Untuk Pemain Di Indonesia

Poker menjadi permainan paling populer dari jaman dulu sampai sekarang. Bahkan di era sekarang, untuk anda yang ingin melakukan asah otak di media poker anda bisa menggunakan berbagai pilihan server terpercaya secara online. Apa lagi untuk anda yang berada di Indonesia. Tentu saja kegiatan tersebut sangatlah berbahaya.

Maka dari itulah kami disini telah merangkum beberapa server poker online terbaik yang bisa anda pakai dalam bermain ketangkasan. Berikut ini dia ulasan nya.


Siapa si yang tidak tahu dengan server ini. Ya, IDN POKER atau IDN PLAY adalah salah satu tempat paling nyaman untuk anda bermain poker online ataupun beberapa jenis permainan yang tersedia. Mulai dari, DOMINOQQ, Capsa, CEME, OMAHA dan SUPERTEN.

Server IDN Poker sendiri saat ini bisa anda jumpai dengan sangat mudah di internet. Hal ini dikarenakan idnpoker adalah salah satu media yang sangat besar sekali dan memiliki peminat yang besar di Indonesia. Anda bisa mencoba bermain poker dengan pemain lain hanya menggunakan ponsel saja.

Tidak hanya itu saja. IDN Poker juga menawarkan kemudahan bagi para pemain yang ingin mendaftar yaitu, anda hanya perlu menggunakan rekening bank dan juga beberapa data diri. Seperti, nomor wa dan gmail.

Server POKER V

POKER V merupakan tempat bermain poker yang cukup terkenal di asia. Salah satu negara dengan pemain aktif terbanyak ada Indonesia. Hal ini sendiri dikarenakan, Poker V memberikan banyak sekali promo menarik bagi para pelaku yang aktif bermain poker di servernya.

Anda bisa mendapatkan berbagai bonus jika bermain di agen pokerv. Hal ini dengan sengaja dilakukan agar pemain bisa nyaman saat bermain, dan tidak hanya itu saja, setiap taruhan yang dilakukan juga akan di hitung dan akan mendapatkan bonus yang bernama cashback mingguan.

Poker V menyediakan permainan menarik yang bisa dimainkan hanya menggunakan 1 user id saja. Seperti, Poker Online, Adu Q, Bandar Q, Bandar 66, Capsa Susun, Sakong dan Bandar Poker.

Itulah server bermain poker yang bisa coba anda nikmati. Sekian informasi dari kami, semoga bermanfaat.

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Membanggakan 4 Wanita Indonesia Lampaui Kepopuleran Michelle Obama dan Hillary Clinton

Indonesia patut bangga dengan survei yang di lakukan oleh yang menobatkan beberapa wanita Indonesia berdasarkan prestasi yang membuat mereka menjadi tokoh publik yang begitu dikagumi. sendiri bukan sembarangan lembaga atau pun terbitan dari Indonesia. Mereka merupakan lembaga riset data terbesar di Inggris yang berkantor pusat di London dan juga tersebar pada berbagai benua seperti Eropa, Amerika Latin,Afrika, Timur Tengah hingga Asia.

Yang menarik adalah beberapa wanita Indonesia yang dinobatkan bahkan mengalahkan kepopuleran seperti tokoh dunia Hillary Clinton hingga eks istri mantan presiden Barack Obama yaitu Michelle Obama. Bukan hanya soal kepopuleran mereka juga berhasil dalam bidang masing-masing yang digeluti hingga meraih prestasi. Bagaimana bisa 4 wanita Indonesia masuk sebagai yang terpopuler di Dunia, berikut nominasi beserta prestasi yang mereka raih.



Susi Pudjiastuti sendiri menjabat sebagai menteri kelautan dan perikanan, dirinya bertengger sebagai wanita yang paling dikagumi pada urutan pertama.Sudah tak asing memang mengingat wanita berusia 54 tahun ini memiliki banyak prestasi yang bahkan di puji oleh aktor kawakan hollywood Leonardo Dicaprio karena keberaniannya yang menenggelamkan kapal-kapal asing penangkap ikan yang masuk ke perairan wilayah Indonesia tanpa izin.

Tak hanya sampai disitu, pemilik Susi Air ini juga mendapatkan berbagai penghargaan pada berbagai ajang dunia. Mulai  Seafood Champion Award serta Peter Benchley Ocean.


Najwa Shihab

Kita pasti tahu sebuah talk show yang sering ditayangkan oleh salah satu chanel televisi setiap pekan yang berani dalam mengungkapkan fakta dalam dunia perpolitikan hingga berbagai kasus besar seperti Papa Minta Saham, Kasus Penyiraman Novel Baswedan dengan air keras dan yang paling viral adalah lapas mewah pesanan narapidana korupsi.

Disinilah peran dari Najwa Shihab yang mengupas habis berbagai kemunafikan dalam dunia perpolitikan di Indonesia. Ia tak segan dalam beradu argumen dengan narasumbernya. Najwa Shihab sendiri memang menjadi daya tarik bagi anak muda dalam beberapa tahun ini. Mengingat dirinya yang merupakan seorang mantan jurnalis. Ia juga berhasil memenangkan berbagai penghargaan mulai Highly Commended dan The Influential Woman of The Year  dari Elle Magazin.


Sri Mulyani

Tidak jauh berbeda dengan Susi Pudjiastuti, koleganya sesama menteri yang menjabat sebagai menteri keuangan negara yakni Sri Mulyani juga memiliki prestasi tersendiri. Bukan pekerjaan yang mudah sebagai menteri keuangan ia harus mengatur keuangan negara terutama ketika sedang dalam inflasi mengingat beberapa bulan yang lalu. Terjadi penurunan mata uang rupiah terhadap dolar semakin membuat daya beli masyarakat Indonesia cenderung melemah. Namun bukan Sri Mulyani namanya jika dia tak mampu mengatasi rintangan yang terjadi, dua tahun yang lalu ia sempat mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai menteri keuangan terbaik di dunia Best Minister in the World Award di Uni Emirates Arab kemudian ia juga berhasil meraih penghargaan di Asia Pasifik yang diselenggarakan Finance Asia.

Agnes Monica

Mayoritas mungkin sudah mengetahui kiprah dari musisi Agnes Monica dalam satu dekade terakhir. Agnes bisa dikatakan menjadi Madonanya versi Indonesia, mengingat sudah begitu banyak raihan prestasi yang ia raih dalam music dalam negeri. Ia juga merupakan penyanyi yang multitalenta mengingat ketika dirinya belum terjun dalam dunia musik ia merupakan artis cilik yang beralalung dalam televisi sehingga tak ayal penyanyi berusia 32 tahun ini masuk dalam kategori salah satu wanita terbaik di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2017 sendiri  mantan kekasih dari pebasket Wijaya Saputra itu berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan Best Asian Artist di MNet Asian Music Awards.


Hardest Game In Android

Bored with the normal game ? Try our recommendation game below, guaranteed you will be frustrated because of the difficulty to complete this game. Do not believe ? Just try playing it!

1. The Impossible Game

The name alone means games that are impossible to play. This game is very confusing plus the rules of the game are unclear which makes the players feel confused.

2. 2Vars

For those of you who hate math, you should never try playing this game! Because this game requires you to find the number of the two missing variables. Initially it was quite simple, but the farther away the questions given would be increasingly difficult.

3. Bloody Games

This game is a game that tests the patience of the player. This game relies on the speed of the finger and each game is limited by time. If you lose then a professor will emerge who will say that you only use a small part of your brain so that it fails in this game. It sucks right?


The name of the game alone is very strange. This game requires you to pass through a room filled with traps. Sounds simple, but just try to play this game, it can make your head feel like exploding if you keep failed.

5. Three

This one game requires you to form a number and multiples. Unfortunately every time you move the screen, a new number will appear that will fill the grid where you shifted. The more shifts the grid will be fuller, you might lose continuously before reaching the high score.

The Five Coolest Passive Skills in Mobile Legends

If you discuss the coolest passive skills in Mobile Legends, of course, the names of Lolita, Balmond, Aurora, Cyclops, and Alucard heroes will be included in the list. Here are the best passive skill abilities in the Mobile Legend game.

The first skill was the Cyclops Starlit Hourglass. This passive skill gives the Cyclops the ability to reduce the cooldown skill he uses. The more often he uses the skill, the cooldown skill will also be faster. Besides that, if the skill that Cyclops issues about the opponent’s target, the cooldown of the skill will also decrease.

The second skill called Pride of Ice belongs to Aurora hero. This passive skill allows Aurora to get one energy bar every time using skill. After the four energy bars are filled, the next skill released by Aurora will freeze the target. This passive skill is very effective in stopping enemy movements.

A third skill named Bloodthirst belongs to Balmond. With this skill, Balmond will get 10% regen HP when killing an opponent hero and get 4% HP regen when killing minions.

The fourth skill is Pursuit owned by Alucard. This skill allows Alucard to jump directly to the target. With this skill, Alucard will provide damage of 1.2x normal attacks when landing on the enemy.

The fifth skill is Noumenon Energy Core which becomes Lolita’s passive skill. This skill will provide a shield buff to the teammates who are close to him. This skill is very useful when doing a clash team because a teammate will get additional buffs which is very helpful when a teammate is hit by an attack.

Tank Plus DPS ? Why Not ? Grock Is Here !

Grock is a hero tank that can cause excessive damage to your opponent. He is also able to divide the opponent’s formation by using his second skill. Not infrequently players who make it a fighter, cannot be denied, the damage generated by the skills owned by Grock is terrible.

Besides that, Grock also has immune to crowd control when using its first skill near a wall or tower. With this ability, he can go in the front line without fear of being stunned or other disabled skills. For the first skill he has, Grock will expand as you hold back the skill release time. The longer you hold on to the skill, the greater the damage that will be caused.

To break the opponent’s formation, Grock will use both skills where he will create a stone wall that will block the opponent’s movements. With this skill, Grock can also maximize the use of the ultimate skill he has.

Grock’s ultimate skill must hit a wall to create a big impact. When an opponent’s hero is hit by Grock near the wall, then they will also receive a stun effect, on the contrary, if there is no wall, then the opponent will only be affected by a momentary airborne effect.

For the item itself, you can combine pure tank or semi-tank. All depends on the gameplay you want.

Reason Why You Must Play Clash Royale Again

Clash Royale is a strategy game from Supercell which is very popular in 2016. Before Clash Royale, Supercell already made a good game called Clash of Clans back in time.

Clash Royale have a combined gameplay system. This game is collectible card game with real time competitive strategy battle. Before starting the battle, player must sets the battle deck and build the strategy to win the game.

But after Mobile Legends and Arena of Valors released, Clash Royale popularity going down. If you abandoned this game before, you should play this game again, why ?

For the first, there is many new character in Clash Royale game. The characters is taken from Clash of Clans game. If you already abandoned this game more than 1 years, you will be shocked when playing this game again because you will find so many new character you can choose to win the battle.

The second one is you don’t need much time to play this game. Not like Mobile Legends or AoV which need more time to play, this game is easy to play. So you can play it when you have spare time. Fun right ?

The third one is you can train your brain because this game is strategy game. Not only that, this game is not pay to win game, so if you are a free to play gamer, you still can win this game without spending money.

Durango: Wild Lands presents the Latest Big Update named Second Wave

Durango: Wild Lands, one of the Open World MMORPG games where players will be moved in the age of dinosaurs, follow existing quests and try to survive in the wild to build community with other players. This time, Durango: Wild Lands, will introduce the latest update called Second Wave.

In the update, players will get a private island in the form of ‘Tamed Island’. On the private island, players can manage their area, their domain without using additional fees. Uniquely, if you need to pay attention to the durability of the building beforehand, in that area the durability of the building is not a factor in the game which means that if the player has built the building it will last forever.

Players can also control the settings of their own ‘Tamed Islands’. They can give permission to other players to be able to enter and travel from other islands through a personal dimension hole, and expand their domain to 13 boxes (possibly increasing in the future). Players can also decorate buildings that have been built, starting from the roof, walls, floors, pillars and so on in their homes. And there will also be a set of furniture that will provide additional effects such as buffs.

In addition to the update, Durango will also introduce technological improvements, many other updated maps, and different dinosaurs. And again the thing that is emphasized from the next update is the Farming feature which will be fixed and become the main function in the future update.

Contra Return Finally Can Be Play In Android And IOS Platform

Still remember about Contra game ? Back in time, exactly in 90, this game is very popular in SEGA. For remembering that time, Garena Indonesia anouncing their new game called Contra Return. This action genre game will be available for IOS and Android devices.

This game was made by Konami in 1987. After releasing, Contra is exploded on the market. Almost all gamers like this game because it’s very innovative. Untill now, gamer still remember how we fight the aliens for save the world.

For bring back the memories, Garena and Tencent colaborate to develop this game. They also work with Konami Digital Entertainment to releasing this game near soon.

Not only Bill Rizer, Lance and Alice, there is 10 another character in this game. All the character can be obtained for free. You will protect the world from terorist and aliens organization called Red Falcon.

For optimizing your gaming experience, there is so many mode you can play like solo story, multiplayer and PvP. You need a good reflect to finish this game. For PvP mode, you need to shot and moving in same times and dodge all enemy bullets.

This game will be a good game for mobile platform. Dare to play this game and bring back your memories of Contra ?

Mobile Legends Ready to Release a New Mage Type Hero

Finally after a few days ago the ml_leak Instagram account provided leak information for the latest Mobile Legends hero, who has the Miss Violet / Violet Princess code name, on January 18, 201 Moonton officially released this hero who has Guinevere-Ms Violet’s official name to the advanced server . Guinevere’s name itself is taken from a story or an Arthurian legend or King Arthur. In his Arthurian legend Guinevere himself is the wife of King Arthur.

In the appearance of hero clothing that has a role as a Fighter / Mage with this special charge / burst or marksman, wearing royal princess-style clothes from mainland Europe with orange hair that looks so elegant. Although in his own role she is a mage that is identical to attacks with a far range, Guinevere is unique because his attack is classified as melee and has a short span.

However, this is paid for by the damage caused by this one hero to damage both physical damage and magic damage. You can see this from the passivity skill. In terms of the gameplay itself the hero will have a fairly high level of difficulty, remembering that Guinevere is a mage with a short attack range, so you are required to draw closer to your enemies to maximize the skills she has.

Tentunta, with the release of this latest hero in advanced servers, is increasingly proving that Moonton continues to innovate to spoil Mobile Legends players with new heroes that can enhance the mobile legends experience of Mobile Legends.

The Most Picked Hero In Mobile Legends Season 9

2019 became the beginning of the anticipated season 11 – awaited by Mobile legend players. Not because of the many events that will be released, but because BP is free as well as season 11 skin, the Tigreal “WrymSlayer”.

Besides that, there will be new heroes that will be released on the original server in early 2019, for example Badang and Vale. If you have just played Mobile Legend, then of course you want to know what mobile legend heroes often pick, because in general Hero who is often picked means OP, because that is the following will provide a list of mobile legend heroes often picked in the beginning of season 11.

Johnson is one of the Mobile Legend tank heroes who has high mobility. This hero has the ultimate that can be used to snatch enemies. Worse yet, Johnson can bring his friend to snatch the enemy. So the enemy hit by Johnson will surely die, especially if the one hit is a soft enemy like Mage, Assassin, Marksman, and Fighter. Therefore, it is one of the tank heroes that is often picked in the beginning of season 11.

The hero fighter is quite annoying if picked by the enemy team. This hero has the ability to snatch enemies into the tower, kill him with the help of a tower. Even worse, the previous patch update was updated a few weeks ago. Chou gets the buff as a fighter as a whole, increasing the damage he has. He became one of the hurt heroes in Mobile legend. One punch can eliminate half of blood marksman and assassin. Even though he wasn’t as hard as before, he was still annoying. Makes it one of the most frequently chosen heroes in Mobile legend.

Who are the mobile legend players who don’t know Kadita. Yes, one of the heroes made based on Indonesian legend. Not only beautiful, Kadita is one of the mage heroes who has it all, ranging from burst damage, Crowd Control, HP’s ability to regain, and Mobility to run when surrounded. This makes it one of the most frequently chosen heroes when match up.